According to the latest statistics - 29% of takeout orders are being placed via cell phones. Considering how prolific cell phone use is in today's society - it's not that surprising. With more and more phones being connected to the Internet - the question I have - would these same 29% or more place their takeout order using online ordering, instead of calling via voice?
Of course using cell phones for web is cumbersome at best, at least on most of them, including the Jesus phone (sorry, Apple). It's simply impossible to replicate the big screen environment on a dinky screen. People aren't buying bigger and bigger monitors for their computers because they'd like to consume more desk space - they want to see more, in an easier to see size... in other words bigger is better. Clearly there are some that go against the tide, but nobody's ditching their 22" monitors for any kind of cell phone, when it comes to web-based computing.
So, back to cell phones. Now that we've established that scrolling through potentially large menus is painful enough on the big screen - cell phone would make the experience rival torture, to put it mildly. So, in your opinion, what would make it simple enough to use on cell phone for you to use it for ordering takeout?
One possibility would be for you to be able to preserve your online orders and assign them a number. Each order would have a unique number. Then you could text this number to the appropriate destination and presto - your order is magically submitted with all details, payment info etc., just as you did in the past. Would that be simple enough? Would you use it if it was that simple? Other ideas? - Certainly welcome your thoughts on the subject.
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