It seems that takeout is hugely popular and continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Yet, many restaurant owners just don't seem to get the importance of that trend for their business success. Case in point my service. Many restaurants I talked to see the light and sign up for the service, considering how affordable, flexible and unintrusive it is to their business and how much impact it can have on it. Yet, even though I mention that the service can be risk-free and even cost-free, I still get a response sometimes that "it's not in the budget" or "we're not ready to start yet"... which always perplexes me... how can something that doesn't cost anything be "not in budget"?
Restuarant Owners need to look beyond just doing what they've always been doing and adopt some of these new tools, like the Takeout Online service, to be able to stay competitive or their competition will do them in using these tools.